Anyway, I'm getting off-topic. There are a lot of possibilities of ceremony/reception sites. Because I could fill this whole page with images from all these places I mentioned in my last post, I will just touch briefly on the one picture that made me fall in love with each place. That's right, I'm in love with like 6 inanimate places right now. It's all very one-sided.

The Stone Barn: the second place we visited after Morris, this happened last weekend.
This should need no explanation, I love the old broken down feel of it. Can you see sort of a Lady of the Lake haunting this place? Wearing a flowing wedding gown and drifting across the pond? Well... I can, and it's pretty in my head, ethereal.
The reception hall was nice and had the red brick and the old wood, it was really what I thought I wanted. The drawback to this place, and it's a pretty big one, is that because we don't have enough people, we can't do our wedding down at the mill, BUT, if there's another wedding at the mill that day, we can't even go near it for pictures!!
Stroudsmoor Country Inn: our third visit, day after Stone Barn.

I think this one is self-explanatory as well. Here, I get the feel of a deer lost in the woods, or a Lady in the Woods type thing, I see a flowy, ethereal dress again. God I can't wait till I get to start talking about dresses! The reception hall is hunting lodge-like. I really liked how it tied into the woodland chapel theme. Kyle then becomes the hunter. Get it??? My only problem with this place is I have a bad feeling about budget here. The food is well-priced, the alcohol packages are double what I think they should be but still not outrageous, but everything else? I just have a bad feeling in my gut that we will not be able to find a well-priced photographer, florist, or DJ. The woman who showed us around gave us some common figures... we're talking vendors who cost as much as the whole wedding. Obviously you shop around and whatnot, but the Poconos is a romantic place, there's all sorts of weddings and honeymoons that take place there... people will pay that much, so who can blame them for charging that much??
The point is, I haven't had that feeling in my tummy yet, unfortunately for my fiance.
On to Mom's suggestions; Cameron Estate Inn: this Sunday!

This place is sweet, quaint, nice. It's not knocking my socks off yet, but everyone there that I've talked to is really nice and I'm willing to give the place a try. The ceremony site is nice, but so far, this bridge is what I'm most looking forward to seeing. AND, to make matters better, the tour they offer is a champagne tour. Count me in!!
Riverdale Manor... I honestly don't know where to start...

Please go to their website and look at pictures. I'm so worried that I won't be able to afford them, they seem expensive, but if it's as great as I think it may be, I might be splurging and just preparing my butt for the whopping I'm going to give it later. I do have a year to start saving for the debt I'm going to accrue...
Anyway, we'll see this place on Sunday as well.
By the way, while we're on it, Regents' Glen is out, I am not even going to visit a place where I have to dress up just to get in. Country Club my ass. Besides, they'll probably take one look at me and say "Uh uh, we do not allow dark people on our property." That's so disrespectful. Regents' Glen, please don't sue me. I hereby state that I have no actual knowledge of their sentiments towards people of color, I just enjoy racially-charged jokes, especially when it comes to country clubs.
My last favorite place!! Lime Spring Farm... If they'd only return their phone calls though!

This place feels so sweet to me. It also has a giant mural of a chicken on a wall of a barn. I mean, what more could I ask for? It's playful and romantic, it would just be a sweet wedding there. Unfortunately, they have absolutely no information about weddings on their website. Even the "brochure" where I got this photo; almost no info in it. Certainly nothing about pricing, menus, inclusions. So, ummm, still waiting on you to get back to me, Lime Spring.
That is all...
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