To my parents and lovely bridesladies, if you do not want to ruin your surprise, please go away now
I've had a bit of trouble trying to figure out what to get everyone. Usually I either think too expensive or too cheap. Unfortunately, there are few things that I could think of that were specific to each person. I'll go ahead and get the specific stuff out first, because it's what I'm most excited about:
For my mama, who loves the movie Amelie:
I found those prints online!! And they're posters so they are very inexpensive but I'm going to frame them and give them to her to put in her bedroom if she so chooses, this way they can speak to her at night:

I'm beyond excited about these, to anyone who has not seen Amelie, you cannot be expected to understand... so go watch it, like right now. I couldn't find the pig lamp, but I think these pieces are so sweet. My dad is proving to be much more of a challenge. My dad is not a golf dad, he's not a beer/liquor dad, he's not a tech dad, he's not a mechanic dad. He is the world's greatest dad but he deserves more than a T-shirt. He's crafty but I'm not going to get him tools (which he already has enough of anyway). I just wish there was something that my dad was into the way my mom is into Amelie... but there isn't anything that I can think of. This is all I've come up with so far:
From The Art of Shaving. And the only thing that makes it any good is it's vintage vibe. I love the shaving brush, feels very 'old black and white movie' but I still don't feel it's personal, it's just all I've come up with so far.
I just spent another hour looking and still, this is the best I can come up with... Help??
So, moving onto the ladies. My first thought was to get them plum pretty sugar robes since I won mine and so we could have pictures like this:
But then I remembered that I'm getting married in late November and it would look too staged. If I wear a robe at all on that day, it'll look like this:
Awesome because it's The Big Lebowski. I also didn't want to have to think about size or amount of booty showing, because those robes are very very short, I can say that from experience.
So I moved on. And what I moved on to turned out to be kind of boring but seemed perfect; the girls haven't settled on any sort of cover-up, and Pashminas are all the rage right now:
Etsy to the rescue! I found plenty there:

(Source, source, source)
And all for very realistic prices (by realistic I mean who ever buys one pashmina?! So how 'bout you don't make them $100 each!!). Since I do not want to try to match the color of the dresses- because I'm sure I will fail- I was thinking of getting the girls the above champagne-colored ones. This way I can also get one for my mom and I don't have to worry about the color of her dress not being the same as the bridesmaids'.
With that being said, I did want to get something kind of personal for the girls as well. And nothing could be simpler as far as Etsy is concerned... you want personal?? They'll get you personal, they'll get you personal by three o'clock this afternoon, with green finger nail polish (sorry, Lebowski on the brain):

Cute, subtle, not too out there or unusual, but not at all really fitting with anything else in the theme. Then I stumbled upon these:

And I thought jackpot, we have our seal in a couple places. And if you're going to get someone something that they might never wear again, you might as well make it fit into your day... and maybe, hopefully they will wear it again some other time. That sounds awful and selfish, but I don't mean it in a mean way, but it is 100% true. I just worry they're a little clunky whereas the small charms are more feminine.
What does everyone think? Simple initial or monogram seal charms? What gifts did you get your parents/bridal party?
Those personalized necklaces are very sweet. I like how they are not too overstated and they are a little bit rustic.