"Hey, just an fyi, Mia's water broke and we're at the hospital."
Yeah, no biggie. So all your good vibes and thoughts and prayers would be appreciated as our best friends undertake the arduous task of labor.
So... Mia's water broke last night at around 10 PM... is it too much to ask for the labor to last until tomorrow sometime? I think November 10th is a better birthday than November 9th ;) Not that I would wish for her labor to last another 16 hours... maybe just hope a little... Hahaha, I'm totally kidding, that's so selfish!
Anyway, so, this also means that along with maybe having the little bugger born on my birthday (there I go, still hoping!) Mia will most likely be recovered enough to be at the wedding! Yay! That sounds kinda' selfish, but HONESTLY I'm just so psyched that she and Dan will be there with us. I know the man is excited too, excited for them and excited for the fact that we'll be able to share our day with them. So to commemorate this momentous occasion, nothing else could be more fitting than PICTURES OF BABIES!!!

Soooo, that's occupying most of my thoughts this morning obvs, but just a few other quick things. I finished stripping the old crap paint off the door last night, so tonight I'll start staining it. Like I said, I'll post pictures.
I've gotten a few packages for wedding decor that I keep forgetting to take pictures of and show, but I think it's time to show you our wedding room :) Watch out for those fun photos!
I finished all the corks for place card holders... that whole process was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. They all have flat bottoms and a slit on top for a place card. I VERY soon have to make up those place cards... If only everyone had RSVP'd by the date I wouldn't have to hold off on making place cards. The good news is that we're literally only waiting on four (out of 52, it's actually a few more than that, but I've gotten definite verbal confirmation from a few people who either didn't get the invitation or can't come and told me so... to my face) but I won't pretend that I'm not peeved at the rudeness. It just so happens that everyone we're waiting on is married... I have no doubt that they went through this same thing... C'mon, man! You lovelies have had quite a taste of my anal retentive attention to detail.
I NEED all the data in front of me!! In the end, I have to keep reminding myself that one or two extra meals adds a whopping $50 tops to the tab. I really don't have a problem erring on the side of caution, I don't know why I can't stop myself from freaking out over a few RSVPs missing... I mean I do, I'm a control freak, hello, I shouldn't have to explain myself!
Anyway, I could keep rambling, but there are more important things to do! I've got to get back to real work right now, but tonight will be door staining and knitting! 16 days!!!
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