Well, nothing could be easier. He then proceeds to tell me that I can pick the style and picture and that he's sure that I'll do a perfect job (all the married ladies are laughing right now like "You really thought he was going to sit down and go over pictures and styles for thank you cards?!" Yeah yeah, shut up).
I'm sure he's right, and no matter what we pick, it's going to be just fine, but still, I've got a few great ones to choose from and I need some help!
First, the choices from Shutterfly (cheaper, but maybe not as high quality as weddingpaperdivas):
I realize I'm spoiling some future recaps, but it's only a little spoiler, and you deserve it anyway for being awesome readers... Plus, I really need to get this decision over and done with.
You'll notice I need help with the picture AND the style choice... 'cause I'm ridiculously indecisive that way.
And from Weddingpaperdivas (more expensive, but maybe a little thicker paper, better quality, etc...):

Yes, the one on the bottom left looks boring, but the inside has really nice script Thank You and info, etc...
Does anyone have experience with picture Thank You notes? What's your favorite company? Any help on which style/picture is the best?? Thanks!! (ha ha, get it, these are your thank you notes for helping me make a decision!)
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