But on the plus side, I decided to go to the Lancaster Flower and Craft warehouse anyway!!! I realized that when Rikki canceled on me... twice, I was more upset about missing out on my shopping trip than the make-up trial... so I went. Was it a waste of gas, yeah, but geez-o-man was it fun. Check out some awesome stuff I got:

I got more stuff than this, some fantastic lanterns, the cracked milk jars, just to name a few, I can't remember everything! I had a blast, I filled two carts... for real. Not as bad as it sounds though; I got two of those crates and they were big. I am so in love with the Flower and Craft warehouse!
I came home and put everything in our only spare bedroom, and for the first time, we have a wedding room!! My dress [du jour] is hanging in that room as well, it's where the yarn orbs are chilling, it's where the fabric backdrops will hang when they're done, and the hair flowers will chill in there too!
Oh yeah! I finished those!! I keep forgetting to take a picture though, so you don't have to believe me. I'll show you proof soon. In the meantime, I was trying to say that I'm super excited just to walk into that room and see all that wedding goodness, just to see all the love that's going into it.
Kyle and I finally decided on invitation wording... I think, and he's going to print them out on his fancy work printer and then I get to start work on the invitations!!! Both my bridesmaids have ordered their bridesmaid dresses, and Kyle and I are going to look at suits this weekend...
A little under four months and things are happening!! I'm getting super excited in the sense that every now and then I'll just be sitting on the couch or something and get a little heart palpitation; as if my heart is counting down the minutes, and getting excited when it realizes that we only have about 165,540 minutes left!!!!!
I don't want to check the to do list quite yet, because even though I feel pretty good, I know we still have a lot to do! Back to work!! Finishing the tea staining for the fabric backdrop tonight.
OOO I love everything you bought! Bummer about the hair trial, I am sitting here now waiting for my makeup and hair lady to show up for my first trial..I'm a bit nervous and hope I like her!!!