Sunday, September 11, 2011

Report, soldier!!

Ashley reporting for a status update!

I'm just kiddin', I'm not that serious, but I do have an invitation status report:
  • Order envelopes (outer envelopes, inner envelopes, response envelopes)
  • Order paper
  • Order lotka paper for trifolds and vellum to cover invitation
  • Buy burlap for belly bands and twine to tie invitations and feathers for decoration
  • Order seal
  • Address and stamp envelopes
  • Self-address (with free Shutterfly address labels) and stamp response envelopes
  • Cut vellum to size
  • Print out invitations
  • Rip lotka paper to size and fold into trifolds, glue pockets for RSVP/response envelope/hotel info
  • Rip invitations to size (rough edges)
  • Decorate invitations with stamps and colored pencil (like the Save the Dates)
  • Put invitations together: glue invite into trifold; put RSVP, response envelope, hotel info, etc... into pocket; wrap with burlap and twine and decorate with a single guinea hen feather
  • Stuff invitations into inner envelope and apply wax seal, stuff inner envelopes into outer envelopes, seal, and send!
Phew! I. am. almost. done! Outer envelopes just need to be addressed and sealed and then they all go out! I ended up ordering king and queen of hearts stamps for the outer envelopes:

Sorry for the crap photo quality, but you probably wouldn't rely on my phone camera skills when choosing stamps anyway, would you?!

For the RSVP envelopes, I chose the garden of love stamps:

And while I'm still really happy with my decision to go with king and queen for the outer envelope, I do really like these garden of love stamps.

I put stamps on all the RSVP envelopes, and I couldn't help but document my favorites:

I think they're perfect for the RSVP envelopes, and they make me smile, hopefully they will do the same for our potential guests.

My last remaining nervousness is addressing. I have decent handwritting but I am no calligrapher. I'm trying to embrace the fact that hand-addressing is what will make it even more personal, and so perfection is actually not necessary.

Nonetheless, I already messed up two... :-/

Also, this happened!
Now is when I really wish I knew how to use Photoshop so I could turn all those other poseurs into palm trees...

Ben, the bass player, is on the far left, the DJ, Chris, is the one with the dreads. Jose, the drummer, is in the middle looking quiet and shy and very short. Mike, the guitarist, is getting molested by that chick in glasses in the front right. And Brandon, the awesome lead singer, is right next to us in the back right! I couldn't believe how sweet they were (I may or may not have gotten a hug from all of them after the pictures were taken) and how super short Mike was, and how super TALL Brandon was. Kyle is a very big guy at about 6'3", Brandon was about an inch taller than him!

We also got lots of cool bragging schwag:
Anyway, I could gush on and on forever about how fantastical it was. If I had a bucket list, meeting Incubus would be a huge check off that list. *Sigh*

Lastly, I didn't take pictures, but I spent Friday night cutting up and sanding the 100+ corks in my possession and it went better than I thought it would. They cut with an exacto knife much more easily than I could have hoped. They now all have flat bottoms suitable for place card setting! Yay! One more task checked off the list.

Well, I must get back to addressing envelopes. Also GO EAGLES!!!


  1. Yay! That means I'll officially be invited soon(ish)! (btw EAGLES SUCK! RAVENS FTW!)

  2. Yay! They look great!
