Chugging right along with recaps!! We're now officially hitched and so Kyle and I make our way to the farmhouse to get some refreshment and take a few deep breaths. We have a small reprieve before family starts swarming in, hugging and kissing and gesticulating. Keri is nice enough to go upstairs to grab all our shawls and my new pearls as it's time to switch to my second necklace. I don't know if we had a real point person as far as formals, Ben pretty much took the lead and luckily, everyone was cooperative. I think we got through these formals in maybe 15-20 minutes?? It was relatively painless...
First, my girls stepped in... I don't mean to toot my own horn, but now do you see where I was going with this color scheme?! Worked out kinda' perfect didn't it??
I was only a little upset when I saw these pictures and realized that we used up all that perfect "magic hour" light for our formals... Ben warned me about this too and I'm pretty pissed I didn't listen to him, but still, what's done is done, and at least there was light to use! Gotta' always remember how gorgeous a day it was. Anyway, the guys lined up next:
Then all together! And we might have gotten a little goofy... OK, I got a little goofy.

Then the whole family got in on it. I love that we have this now; EEEEEVERYbody we love, in one big pot!
Yeah, there's two, because Ben used the light in different ways. You're welcome (just kidding!!)
We next moved on to individual family members. First, Grandma (LOVE the fact that she's laughing) and Pop Pop (Kyle's paternal grandparents):
Then his maternal grandparents and his great Aunt Dot:
My paternal grandparents Nonna and Pop Pop (no, it doesn't get confusing at all!):
And of course G&G, Gramma and Grampa, my maternal grandparents:
OK, so then we moved onto his dad Jeff and his wife Kathy:
And his mom Rae Ann and her boyfriend Mike (who looked so sharp!! Go Mike with your matching striped tie and metro black shirt! Not that he put that outfit together on his own, but hey, he rocked it! Go Rae Ann for putting it together!!):
And of course my mom and dad Karen and Gary (ain't they so cute?!?!):
Finally my brother and sister stepped in for some family love and I got really goofy:
I've never seen my brother smile as much as he did for our pictures but I will be eternally grateful that he took off his surly teenager face and smiled pretty for us. Also, Holy Growth Spurt, Batman I can't believe my 17-yr-old brother is that much taller than me!
Finally the whole big happy family falls in for one more photo op, this is one of those I assume will end up on my parents' wall, I'm glad we all got together for this and that everyone was such an integral part of our big day. Look how sweet and goofy my dad looks! I think he was as giddy as I was.
There you have it! I'm so psyched about how great the formals turned out and how painless they were to achieve. These photos will be hanging on walls for awhile and Ben did such a fantastic job; the grass, the leaves, the lanterns, the trees, and that gorgeous river in the background. I truly look past the fact that they're a wedding requirement and can just enjoy them as their own little pieces of the photographic journey that was our day.
This is all well and good, but it's time for me and my man to hog the spotlight (some more!) next!
Miss a recap so far? Catch up!
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