Anywho, back to business! When I last graced the pages of this humble blog with wedding pics, we were cutting the cake, the last little bit of antiquated formality that we subjected our guests to was bouquet and garter tossing! First, a little music to set the mood while I prepared to toss my bouquet, to determine the next lucky girl who's getting married:

Of course I survey the room. I've been a part of so many bouquet tosses that I was pretty psyched for this part.
See my boss in the left hand corner holding onto his daughters for dear life? Ha, good luck, buddy!
Here goes!!
One of the best pictures of the night ↑
I caught the bouquet at my parents' wedding, and this little cutie is my cousin Taylor, who is about the same age I was when my parents got married. A very sweet result... However, I did want to give a big person a chance to do the whole garter thing so I politely asked Taylor if I could throw the bouquet again, to which she begrudgingly agreed.
Not sure how many weddings have two bouquet tosses, it was odd, but again, I didn't know how else to get an adult female for the whole garter ritual.
So the bouquet was caught by my cousin's date... a little anti-climactic considering I met her only the night before... sorry to the cousins and friends I've known for most of our lives. But anywho, it was time for Kyle to do his thing:

Uh oh...
He was very feisty but very well-behaved. I don't think anyone would have wanted to see his head up my dress. I know there's been a lot of talk lately about taking this tradition out for people who are a little shy, but in my experience, it was plenty modest enough and all eyes are going to be on you all day anyway...
So sweet!!
Sorry, I had to post this one too, I like the angle better.
Then it was time for the men to get out on the floor. Of course they're always more reluctant... silly boys! But Kyle's very persuasive ;)

Great shot ↑ So the garter was caught by Shane, a former employee of Kyle's... awkward... although it's better than it being caught by my brother!
So the two strangers take their places...
Oh Lord...
Yeah, it's safe to say he was pretty roasted at this point in the night. I got numerous messages from him later on saying he hoped that he hadn't looked like a complete jackass... Too late, and I have the proof!
His fancy moves just could not be captured to their full silliness in pictures, but trust me when I say, it was way too fun to watch.
Yeah... I was having a little too much fun too.
Seriously it's like comic relief back there in the right hand corner.
They were both very good sports... I think they had an equally good time.
There is some tradition about the further up the leg the garter catcher goes on the bouquet catcher, the more years of happy marriage the bride and groom are going to have. Something like that, obviously how the heck do you quantify that? I don't remember where I heard it but Shane took it very seriously. But he was also very respectful and Tanya didn't seem to mind in the least.
I've heard so many negative things from people who want to do away with this tradition, but these two were well-matched. I guess we got lucky... according to some scary things I've read online, i.e. 20-yr-old young men and 80-yr-old great aunts.
Heehee, look how silly they are!! (unfortunately, my thighs are quite a bit bigger than Tanya's so it didn't last long, but, just ignore that part)
Anywhozit. This obviously brings up a great little topic for debate. Who is and is not doing bouquet toss/garter toss/garter catcher puts garter on bouquet catcher's leg? I've heard people be really offended by this tradition, but I think they had a really good time and everyone got a kick out of the little Asian man dancing around and the little girl catching the bouquet. I'm glad we did it, but I can see why some shyer people would not be into it. All of our friends are as ridiculous as we are though, so we knew it wouldn't be an issue.
Anyway, so even though it was out of order a little, that's all the tradition stuff from the wedding!! Can you believe it?! I have over 200 pictures from the rest of the reception though so, no worries, recaps are not over! And of course, the post I'm most looking forward to; DETAILS!! is coming soon. Stay tuned!! Thanks for sticking with me!
Miss a recap? Catch up!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: The boys get ready!!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: The girls get pretty!!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: We're ready for our close-up!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: We ceremoniously process!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: My turn!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: We get MARRIED!!!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: We get formal!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: Our model moment!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: Please welcome to the floor!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: Slow Jamz!!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: Mommy Daddy issues...
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: Getting toasty!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: Save room for dessert!
Looks like such a blast!!
ReplyDeleteHAHA yea I was laughing at you through this whole past having a grand old time in the background all by yourself. Hilarious!