ANYWAY! You came here for pictures, and you shan't be disappointed! I'll start out the day by thoroughly embarrassing myself:::

In my defense, this was Mia's idea, but then Ben encouraged it and took lots of pictures... I just got really dizzy.

Then 'my song' came on... As in, "Turn that up, that is my song!" but I don't remember what song it was.

I've honestly never heard that Willow Smith song, but I did whip my hair a lot throughout the night.
This has an interesting story behind it. I love the song Major Tom by Shiny Toy Guns but Kyle said 'You can't dance to that.' and I said 'Yes huh!' and proceeded to do a silly dance in the garage at his mom's house and told him that was how you dance to Major Tom by Shiny Toy Guns. He laughed at me and let me keep it on our song list. So when it finally came on, I made good on my claim that that was how you danced to that song.
I was then told I had to teach Kyle's cousin how to dance who had been sitting by himself the whole night. He's even taller than Kyle and quite gangly, but he's a great sport and he seemed to really learn from my lesson......
Just kidding. But then Journey came on which was the only thing that could induce Danny to come out on the floor to dance with Kyle.


We even got my mom and two aunts out on the floor (the be fair, my Aunt Keirsten did not need coaxing, but the other two did), Kyle was very proud of himself.
Yay! My Mama had fun!! You saw it, you can't take it back!
It strikes me that I can't find the pictures of Matt dancing with Kyle at Mia's wedding. So most of you might not know what I'm talking about at all, this is a repeat event! These two complete each other... on the dance floor.
The wedding would not have been complete without a few more brodances and a Matt sandwich.
Matt always manages to look like a big goofball but he was actually incredibly sweet the whole night, dancing with the girls that didn't have dates (and Julie who had a date but he was working). Doing these recaps has allowed me to relive how fun this reception was. And of course, Ben was able to catch all the goofiest moments. One more recap and it'll be time to say goodnight.
Miss a recap so far? Catch up!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: The boys get ready!!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: The girls get pretty!!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: We're ready for our close-up!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: We ceremoniously process!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: My turn!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: We get MARRIED!!!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: We get formal!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: Our model moment!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: Please welcome to the floor!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: Slow Jamz!!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: Mommy Daddy issues...
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: Getting toasty!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: Save room for dessert!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: Catch!!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: And then we partied! And that felt good!
Eleven Twenty Five Eleven: LET'S DANCE!!
Your dance moves are out of control. I love how your hair was whipping around, you are truly a rockstar!